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Launching a Virtual Power Plant (VPP) in Colorado by Leveraging Aggregator DERMS

Join us on Wednesday, March 26 from 11:00-11:50am (room: C140) for an engaging conversation at Distributech. VPPs represent an opportunity for utilities to leverage DERs to provide grid value while also balancing customer needs. In this session, we'll discuss relevant updates to Xcel Energy’s Colorado virtual power plant (VPP) offerings. You'll learn more about the goals, challenges, and opportunities in launching Colorado's VPP program. This session will also discuss potential opportunities to leverage smart meters and integration to other key operational technology systems as part of a longer-term vision. Finally, this session will cover lessons learned to date in Xcel's effort launch its VPP, including what's working well, opportunities for refinement, and where the industry's going. You'll have a chance to engage with participants and learn from what's already been achieved.


  • Zach Pollack, Director of Grid Strategy & Emerging Technology, Xcel Energy
  • Angus McPherson, Global Solution Architect | Power & Grid, Schneider Electric
  • Nick Tumilowicz, Director, Product Management, Distributed Energy Management, Itron
  • Jennifer Gallegos, Senior Partner Management Consultant, Itron (moderator)

Start: 26/03/25

End: 26/03/25

Location: Dallas, Texas

Type: Speaker

Primary Contact:
Becca Jones

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